This is a rajasthani recipe and especially made in summer season with dried kher and sang...
Palak methi kumb is a recipe of methi and palak combo that build up reserves of vitamin A...
This is the variation of salan gravy with the addition of curd to increase the basic vers...
Hariyali paneer makhani is a punjabi paneer recipe with succulent paneer cubes cooked in ...
Prawns cooked in mustard oil and further simmered in curd is a Bengali influenced dish an...
Ivy Gourd Fry kootu is a delicious South Indian recipe. Kovakkai is a very popular and co...
West African -inspired, this is a rich and very fresh-tasting stew, eclectic and surprising in its combination of ingredients. Learn the recipe of Pineapple Peanut Stew by vahchef.
This is a quick, filling and nutritious easy weeknight supper. Serve on rice, millet, or couscous, topped with crushed peanuts and chopped scallions.
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