Moong dal with spicy onion is a dry dish, some onions and spices added with moong dal and...
It is a Punjabi cuisine. North Indian food is very heavy and stomach filling. In this rec...
Celery Sambar gets its rich flavour from toor dal mixed with celery, coconut, red chilli...
Murunga keerai Sundal curry is chickpeas and authentic dish of the Tamilians. Sundal or c...
Chana dal is nutritious and easily digested. Chana dal salad is a delicious and easy to m...
Kadala is a coconut based kala chana (black chickpeas) curry that is rich in protein and ...
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Fri Dec 10 2010
I have prepared this recipe for lunch... went yummy!! everyone in my family complemented well... thanks to vahchef...
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