A classic dal recipe with white brinjal cooked in boiled dal. This sour dal is a mouth-f...
Moong Dal with Spinach is a very nutritious and healthy recipe. It no only makes the dal ...
Green moong and bottle gourd muttiyas is a veg bottle gourd cutlet recipe . It can be enj...
This healthy instant Horlicks oats recipe is one of the best way to incorporate oats into...
Peas Masala Bath is a delicious Indian recipe served as a breakfast, done within a few mi...
Cabbage and Dal Paratha are really nutritious and tasty stuffed parathas! ...
A perfect combination of dal, fresh coconut & nuts cooked together, coated with a thin outer layer of batter and deep fried. This interesting sweet dish and a puzzle to me in my childhood how the stuffing went inside making me laugh nowadays.
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