Pumpkin bobbatlu are quick and easy south Indian sweets. Puran Poli is a flat sweet bread...
Grandma style rava poori is a very famous Maharashtrian sweet. Semolina is cooked with wa...
Ginnu boorelu is a traditional sweet of Andhra Pradesh. During Sankranthi everybody used...
This is a Gujarati recipes. Vagharela bhaat, Is an easy and tasty dish that can be made v...
Eggless sponge cake is one such cake which is a boon to them and can equally enjoy eating...
This is a snack recipe prepared with field bean and chana dal. It is protein pack dish....
Pasta dishes cook quickly and offer endless flavor possibilities. Learn the recipe of Pasta and Vegetable Toss by vahchef.
Vegetarians... this could be your next favorite pasta dish! Our incredibly delicious Vegetable Pasta Toss is so colorful and tasty, they may even ask for second servings.
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