Mango sticky rice is a popular sweet sticky rice with coconut milk and fresh mangoes. Thi...
Kalakand, an exquisite milk-based sweet preparation is an interesting process. Concentrat...
Dates and nuts candy without fat or sugar is an amazing and lip-smacking sweet that is t...
Banana milkshake is yet another popular milkshake. Make a blended drink with ripe plantai...
This dish is pretty tasty good recipe. Bitter gourd is a vegetable known for its nutritio...
This is a kids special recipe. This mango mousse is eggless and vegetarian. here is a qui...
Parfait refers to two types of frozen dessert. Learn the recipe of parfaits by vahchef.
Parfait is made by boiling cream, sugar and syrup to create a custard-like puree which is not necessarily served in a parfait glass.
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