Grilled Corn Sandwich is a healthy and delicious recipe filled with creamy sweet corn gri...
Kutchi dabeli is traditionally sold on the streets of Gujarati towns. It is another versi...
Aloo Cheela Chana Chat is simple to make and delicious to eat....
A typical Rajasthani vegetarian dish made with moong dal vadis cooked along with spring o...
It is a fried snack that can be prepared in two different flavors sweet and salty (khara...
Cone Corn Chaat is chatpata crunchy corn chaat with curds and chutney served filled in cr...
Popular as an appetizer in Indian restaurants and as a street food across India, bhajji is actually extremely easy to make at home. Learn the recipe of Onion Bhaji by vahchef.
A bhaji, bhajji or bajji, is a spicy Indian snack or entree dish similar to a fritter, with several variants. Outside the Indian states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka, such preparations are often known as pakor.
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