Aloo Vadi (patra) is a steamed or fried vegetable leaf roll recipe with taro root/ coloca...
Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting fresh cheese with a high fat content. It is easy to ...
Suji vada is a tasty and tempting breakfast or evening snack recipe for which the batter ...
The kebab is created with a mixture made from boiled potatoes, spices and greens like spi...
It is Traditionally Jonna Rotte or Jowar ki roti is eaten by farmers who do a lot of phys...
Egg Uthapam Fry with a twist of Gunpowder taste makes this delicacy even more special....
If beetroot is your all time favorite then definitely you are on the right page. Try this Healthy Horlicks Oats Beetroot Roti recipe which helps you score compliments from your family.
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