Mango sticky rice is a popular sweet sticky rice with coconut milk and fresh mangoes. Thi...
Kalakand, an exquisite milk-based sweet preparation is an interesting process. Concentrat...
Dates and nuts candy without fat or sugar is an amazing and lip-smacking sweet that is t...
Banana milkshake is yet another popular milkshake. Make a blended drink with ripe plantai...
This dish is pretty tasty good recipe. Bitter gourd is a vegetable known for its nutritio...
This is a kids special recipe. This mango mousse is eggless and vegetarian. here is a qui...
South Indian sweet delight. Yummy!!!!!!
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Sun Sep 21 2008
I find the video for mysorepak in youtube. But why is it not put here. In youtube the measurements were not told. so i browsed here, but here there is no video. Anyway it was useful for me by combining the video in youtube and measurements here.
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vahuser Posted on Fri Apr 03 2009
Chef, the vedio did not have the measurements and the procedure here is a little different. Please clarify.
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