This is a Chinese recipe where mixed veg balls are coated in a layer of basmati rice, the...
This is a tangy and yummy rice recipe prepared especially in summer season....
Pineapple raw banana pulav is a sweet and spicy rice recipe to try. It have unique flavor...
Spicy vegetable garlic fried rice is an oriental rice recipe with the rice stir fried wit...
A classic dish from the state of Karnataka made to combination of rice, toor dal, vegetab...
A perfect rice recipe with dal and vegetable in that with sour flavor. ...
Chicken biryani is the favourite dish of chicken lovers. It has a main place in non-veg restuarants, mainly in tamil nadu.I post this recipe which you can do in your home, when ever you wish to eat biryani. No need of searching restuarants. My biryani rec
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