Kolambi Chi Kavaln is a traditional Maharastrian tangy shrimp curry originated along the ...
Stir fry okra with garlic is an easy recipe. Tastes simply good for garlic lovers. ...
Boiled eggs cooked in a spicy tomato onion based masala curry. This dish is perfect for a...
Shrimp Mustard sauce or Mustard prawns is a very flavourful dish. Prawns cooked in a spic...
Dal Makhani, an amazing dish from Punjabi cuisine is prepared with lentils and beans comb...
Cajun Spice rub Chicken wing is one of the best combinations of flavors that one must tas...
Mutton cauliflower curry is a very tasty dish, made with cauliflower florets and mutton cooked in creamy tomato and yogurt gravy.
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