Eggplant/Brinjal in a makhani style sauce is the only thing better is cooking it in a slo...
This delicious, mild curry is so easy to make. The word 'malai' means cream, but this cur...
Paneer pasanda is a snack recipe where paneer is stuffed and cooked in silky sauce....
Kadai gosht mutton is a popular cuisine around Pakistan. This recipe has an authentic tas...
Tender tamarind leaves is known as Chinta kaya in Andhra Pradesh and the combination of s...
This super quick stir fry tastes yummy, can be served as snack or an accomplishment with ...
A spicy vegetarian hotpot that's as warm and comforting as it is healthy. Learn the recipe of Moroccan Vegetable Tagine by vahchef.
Named after the vessels they're traditionally cooked in, tagines often feature less-utilized cuts of meat that are stewed for a long time.
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