Ridge gourd & fenugreek leaves curry is an excellent side dish....
Channa masala, an impressive fairly dry and spicy dish with a sour tangy taste made with ...
Boiled eggs cooked in a spicy tomato onion based masala curry. This dish is perfect for a...
This potato fry podimas(mashed potatoes) is a mildly flavored curry to go with hot and sp...
Dal Fry is a popular Indian lentil recipe. This recipe uses toor dal, which is also known...
Moong dal with spicy onion is a dry dish, some onions and spices added with moong dal and...
This hearty chickpea stew features classic Moroccan spices like cumin, chili powder, and turmeric. Learn the recipe of Moroccan Chickpeas by vahchef.
Excellent! Made this for a dinner party and served with hummus and pita.
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