Typical Maharashtrian recipe made with fresh coconut and jaggery flavoured with cardamom ...
Raw Jackfruit Biryani is an exotic recipe with amazing taste and aroma....
Street food biryani fried rice is simple to make within no time and delicious in taste to...
Is kedgeree the breakfast of kings or is eating fish before lunchtime a bit too 19th cent...
Hyderabadi Chicken Dum Biryani is world famous and the dish is flown to many countries fr...
This is a kid special lunch box recipe, prepared with tomato, spicy beans, fried eggplant...
Learn the recipe of Mint Rice by vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
Mint Pulao is a healthy rice recipe which can be prepared within minutes. This is a very simple and flavorful rice perfect for bachelors and busy women. It is typically served with plain yogurt or even with onion tomato raita.
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