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Masala ghee rice is one of the easiest and yummiest recipes you can prepare in a short period of time.
Jeera Rice is cumin flavored rice along some whole Indian herbs and spices, is a popular North Indian food. Jeera refers to cumin seed in Hindi. Jeera rice was introduced to the Indian delicacies through the Mughals and very quickly became probably the most in fashion meals to be offered in the most Indian homes. Usually jeera rice is accompanied with gravy based dish. Whenever we visit restaurants, generally order this with da... Read More..
About Recipe
Tandool annam, Pachaarisi sooru, CHAWAL chal |
Jeera Rice is cumin flavored rice along some whole Indian herbs and spices, is a popular North Indian food. Jeera refers to cumin seed in Hindi. Jeera rice was introduced to the Indian delicacies through the Mughals and very quickly became probably the most in fashion meals to be offered in the most Indian homes. Usually jeera rice is accompanied with gravy based dish. Whenever we visit restaurants, generally order this with dal or simply a north Indian gravy and even Mughlai curry.
In a few restaurants, this dish is also referred to as Jeera Pulao. The word Pulao originates from the Persian term "pullo" which represents any rice that's cooked with herbs and spices along with other ingredients. Jeera Rice is an aromatic rice dish that's a fantastic accompaniment with any veg or non-veg side dish. Jeera rice also goes good with only raita (mixed or cucumber raita) too.
All the ingredients need to prepare Jeera rice are rice, vegetable oil, cumin seeds, green chilies, onions and coriander leaves. Jeera Rice is actually a culinary meal in northern India and it is a staple that's usually eaten every day. Jeera or cumin seeds undoubtedly are a strong aromatic spice used generously in Indian cuisine.
Jeera rice is an easy and warm delicious rice especially available in almost all of the dhabas. This dish is definitely a popular dhaba food. Basmati rice flavored with toasted cumin seeds in butter or ghee together with onions and chilies is a quick dish with simple spiced and aromatic natural rice full of flavor. Using ghee or butter for cooking as toasting cumin seeds boosts the strong fragrance of Cumin. The aroma is truly tempting and delicious. Jeera rice is an exceptionally adaptable and healthy dish which becomes a complete meal too
Benefit of jeera rice:
The benefits of rice contain ability to supply fast and instant energy, control and improve bowel movements, balance blood sugar levels, and reduce the aging process, as well as supplying an essential source of vitamin B1 to the body
Cumin is a really good source of iron. Cumin seeds have traditionally been known to be advantageous to the digestive system. Research has revealed that cumin may encourage the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, compounds important for proper digestion. Cumin seeds also help for pregnant women to boost lactation.
punk839 Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Don't mind me saying, but today you seemed less energized. Hope everything is okay!
Reply 0 - Repliesbintlooda Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Punk839 yes thats true and i noticed it very well , i think this was recorded recently while others were few weeks ago , i hope chef everything is going well with u
Reply 0 - RepliesMSE. Dzirasa Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Listen to that rice sizzle in marriage to the masala...Thanks Chef you are ZBEST! YUMMY!
Reply 0 - RepliesFaith Factory Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Dear Varchef, many of your fans are wondering why you look so doom and gloom?
Reply 0 - RepliesJacqueline S Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Chef, you don't look well......great dish tho!
Reply 0 - RepliesAditi Debnath Posted on Tue May 07 2013
u look pale, chef. but nice dish. anyways cooking three to four dishes n then uploading them,quite a hard job,take some rest. u r always amazing even if u come up with one recipe each day or every two days.
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punk839 Posted on Tue May 07 2013
Wow, looks amazing! But I will need to hit the gym afterwards!! I thought you were going away for holidays? Not yet?
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