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This is a kids special recipe. This mango mousse is eggless and vegetarian. here is a quick and easy mango mousse that you can whip up if you want that special dessert.
Mango Mousse is really heavenly, light, creamy and fluffy delicacy full of stunning aroma and exotic tastes lingering around. The mango’s tart sweet taste, rich texture and tropical essence defies evaluation therefore making this a tropical delicacy that simply melts in to the mouth. Makes a great dessert for kids to enjoy! The delicacy is rich, delicious as well as high in calories.
This Mango Mousse is quite simple to mak... Read More..
About Recipe
Mamidi pandu methai, Mam inippu, Aam Misti |
Mango Mousse is really heavenly, light, creamy and fluffy delicacy full of stunning aroma and exotic tastes lingering around. The mango’s tart sweet taste, rich texture and tropical essence defies evaluation therefore making this a tropical delicacy that simply melts in to the mouth. Makes a great dessert for kids to enjoy! The delicacy is rich, delicious as well as high in calories.
This Mango Mousse is quite simple to make, needs basic ingredients, and tastes awesome! It is the ideal summer treat to make for your loved ones, or to make in advance and serve as sweet dish for a dinner party.
Mango is among the preferred seasonal fruit. It is regarded as the “King of all the fruits”. For the majority of foodies in India, summer season is symbolic of the arrival of mangoes and every state or region have bumper sale of varieties of mangoes and present their classic delicacies. Raw Mango or ripe mango has their very own place in each kitchen for making a number of dessert and savory dishes.
Generally during the summer season, mango pulp is collected, refined and conserved for few months. For experiencing this exotic flair, you can at any time just whip up the mango pulp, included some mango ice-cream, mango Brule or mango cake. Raw mangoes can be used for making different types of pickles, Mango rice, Mango Dal etc.
Having mangoes are beneficially best for health. They're loaded with anti-oxidants and provides large amount of dietary fiber. Additionally, they provide essential minerals and vitamins to our body. They're great supply of Vitamin C and Iron which is useful for glowing skin.
Mrs.Vahchef Posted on Tue Jun 02 2015
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