A classic combination of mushroom and corn cooked with butter gives out the intense earth...
Chooza biryani is one of the aromatic and special recipe which made from fresh spring chi...
Tamarind rice also popularly known as pulihora or puliyodharai or chitrannam is a common ...
Pulikachal, Tamarind rice is a popular dish of South India. This is a traditional Sout...
Foxtail millets are highly nutritious and non-glutinous. They are considered to be the le...
Dabba biryani is an innovative way of preparing Biryani using air fryer which is best sui...
This khichdi is very popular as a comfort food. Learn the recipe of Mag ni Dal ni Khichdi by vahchef.
A comforting and quick one pot meal that is served with dollops of ghee and spiced buttermilk. A firm Gujarati favourite, every Friday is Khichdi day!
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