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Lauki katti dal is a very simple lentil preparation slightly tangy; bottle gourd cooked with mash lentil mixture.
Lauki katti dal is a very simple lentil preparation, slightly tangy. Bottle gourd cooked with mash lentil mixture. This golden hued Khatti-Meethi Lauki Dal is hearty, bold and completely satisfying to kick away any gloominess or miseries of life and lift your spirit even on the bleakest days! It is basically pressure cooked with yellow lentils/pigeon pea (Toor Dal) and tomato... Read More..
About Recipe
Vankaya Sannvankaya koora, Kathirikai Kuzhambu, Begun torkari |
Lauki katti dal is a very simple lentil preparation, slightly tangy. Bottle gourd cooked with mash lentil mixture. This golden hued Khatti-Meethi Lauki Dal is hearty, bold and completely satisfying to kick away any gloominess or miseries of life and lift your spirit even on the bleakest days! It is basically pressure cooked with yellow lentils/pigeon pea (Toor Dal) and tomatoes and then tangy tamarind pulp is added and the whole dal or khatti dal is boiled with herbs and finally it is finished by giving an aromatic tadka. ‘Khatti’ is a term used in hindi or urdu for the english term ‘sour’ and hence called as khatti dal as the dal gives a slight tangy taste and is a soupy kind of dal.
There are no set rules for making Indian dal; a pinch of this and a handful of that will give a delicious pot of comforting dal. Dals are very much needed in every Indian household in everyday life. It is a must dish along with other dishes. South Indians prefer eating dals in their day to day life. Dal is basically a dish which is made with lentils of many types red, yellow and green. It is usually an accompaniment mainly with rice or roti. Some of the popular dal recipes are Tadka Dal, Palak Dal, Dal Makhani, Mango dal, Cucumber dal, Masala Dal…
Skinned and split toovar or tooval dal is the most widely-used form of the lentil. It is used in popular recipes like south India sambhar, Gujarati dals, the famous puran poli and lots of other tasty dishes. It has a thick gelatinous or meaty consistency, and takes a little longer to cook than moong or masoor dal.
Lauki (bottle gourd, dhoodhi/dudhi, ghiya) is a type of squash with light green skin and white flesh. Interestingly, as the name suggests, it is one of the first cultivated plants in the world that was grown not for food but as a container. They grow in a variety of shapes, they can be huge and rounded, small and bottle shaped, or slim and serpentine, more than a metre long.
Cooking Tips:
Health Tips:
You can serve it on its own as a comforting bowl of soup or pair it with rotis or plain steamed rice with a dollop of ghee and pickle and experience how it warps you in its warmth like a mother’s hug.
To try more dal recipes, do click on:
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Enjoy Cooking! Keep Smiling…
Sagar Shrestha Posted on Mon May 13 2013
what is the lentils/dal used.. I always wanned to have a tasty bitter gourd? Easy and quick to make
Reply 0 - RepliesAl Kal Posted on Mon May 13 2013
Chef, I like your recipes a lot but the measurements of a lot of ur recipes on your website are wrong. You say one tablespoon of each dhal in the recipe but on ur website it says 5 tablespoons of each. My dhal became a ragda. Please give one measure
Reply 0 - RepliesTj R Posted on Sat May 25 2013
Chef you can add garam masala a pinch which give more taste to dal
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Dhiya Almosawi Posted on Sun May 12 2013
Awesome .. Thanks Chef
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