Tri colored naturally flavored with spinach, carrot, and paneer is a perfect snack for ce...
This recipe is a delicious twist to traditional mathri filled with spicy besan. ...
Crispy Samosa chaat is a popular Indian savory snack available in several variations. It ...
Bhel Puri is one of the popular chaat in India and it is a delicious mixture....
These nachos are a crunch to make. Layering the chips and cheese ensures that every chip ...
Spicy corn chaat is a chaat recipe, especially best to have at monsoon time. It's an easy...
How to makekarela waffers?How to cookkarela waffers?Learn the recipekarela waffersby vahchef.For all recipes visit
this recipe is a karela recipe n it is very healthy,when u make this remove the bitterness so that it would not be bitter n kids will also eat it
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