A perfect rice recipe cooked with sorrel leaves and chana dal which are rich and healthy ...
Chooza biryani is one of the aromatic and special recipe which made from fresh spring chi...
curry leafs (kurvepaku), tamerind( Chintha pandu), whole red chilli ( endu mirchi), fres...
Foxtail millets are highly nutritious and non-glutinous. They are considered to be the le...
It’s a very simple south Indian preparation with crunchy bites with spring onions and the...
Omurice is a popular contemporary Japanese fusion creation blending Western omelet and Ja...
The delicate and healthier dish with excellent flavors of spices is unique option of rice to try once in a while.
Kabuli pulao is special occasion food in Afghanistan. "Pulao" is a type of rice dish made with a special, two-stepped cooking process for the rice that is unmatched in yielding separate, fluffy grains with excellent texture.
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