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Boil two cups of rice. Keep it aside. Take 4 medium size tomato, 1 medium size onion, 1 green chill, one teaspoon sage, 1 teaspoon of oregano, one garlic, three spoon vinegar, one spoon chilli powder and few corn of pepper and half cup coriander leaves and grind it it in a mixer. Mean while saute mustard, 4 garlic cloves, 1 onion, then add two slit green chillies and add the ground spices let it cook till the color changes (around 10 minutes) and then add rice and salt. This tamato rice has got tinge of tangy sage.
Boil two cups of rice. Keep it aside. Take 4 medium size tomato, 1 medium size onion, 1 green chill, one teaspoon sage, half teaspoon of oregano, one garlic, three spoon vinegar, one spoon chilli powder and few corn of pepper and half cup coriander leaves and grind it it in a mixer. Mean while saute mustard, 4 garlic cloves, 1 onion, then add two slit green chillies and add the ground spices let it cook till the color changes (around 10 minutes) and then add rice and salt. This tamato rice has got tinge of tangy sage.
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