Sweet tender orange muffins with tiny bits of chocolate throughout are perfect for a brun...
Baby corn chili fry, a crispy, spicy and delicious vegetarian starter rich with flavors.B...
Raw papaya salad is most popular dish among women in Thailand and it is very healthy and ...
This is easy to make and tasty snack recipe for evening time. Appealing look with delicio...
White sauce pasta is a deliciously creamy and spicy dish. Kid will like to eat it....
Litti Chokha is traditional dish of Bihar.It is basically an evening snack served with c...
How to makeinstant chicken wings?How to cookinstant chicken wings?Learn the recipeinstant chicken wingsby vahchef.For all recipes visit vahrehvah.com
i saw you chicken wings recipe in which you soaked chicken wings on butter milk for a while. but my son wanted to have immediately i did some variations and made the chicken wings it comes really nice and now this is add into my quick recipes
sauce can be add more or less , vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice,
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