This recipe is a delicious twist to traditional mathri filled with spicy besan. ...
Cheese stuffed onion pakoda is extremely a creative snack made with a mix of chickpea flo...
It is a very easy and spicy green ginger chutney. It is served with dosa....
Murg Malai Kabab, Chicken Malai Kabab are irresistible tender succulent and fragrant piec...
A favorite Andhra breakfast is Minappa (Urad dal) roti that is more popularly known as 'D...
This is a famous butter tea in Tibet. Butter Tea is one of the best beverages. You can ma...
Garlic soup is a type of soup using garlic as a main ingredient. In Spanish cuisine. Learn the recipe of Garlic Soup by vahchef.
An easy garlic soup recipe that you thicken using bread. It has a smooth rich flavor and will definitely keep you allure more!!
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