Veggie momos perogies, are steamed dumplings, which makes everyone crave for more!!...
A popular Indian dish consisting of chicken marinated in a mixture of yogurt and spices t...
Idiyappam biryani or string hopper is a famous south indian breakfast recipe....
Sago pudding is a sweet pudding made by boiled sago with either water or milk and adding ...
A delicious sweet recipe with a unique style of serving can make anyone go gaga....
This is a special occasion dessert, but this scrumptious coconut cream pie is so easy to ...
Eggplant marinara sauce is a wonderful vegetarian option for Italian night. Learn the recipe of Eggplant Marinara by vahchef.
Eggplant with Marinara Sauce is a very tasty eggplant dish that could be considered an eggplant sandwich, that even non-eggplant eaters seem to enjoy!
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