Steamed dumplings are easy to make and delicious without any oil or masala made of split...
These Vegetable Shami kabab are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside and truly m...
Dahipuri, or Dahi puri, is an Indian snack which is especially popular in the state of Ma...
The cake is moist with a rich coffee flavor, plus the mascarpone makes the frosting. This...
Its a delicious recipe, which is made up of pickle flavored paneer along with the batter ...
Coconut crusted jumbo prawns is an exceptionally flavourful and delicious seafood delicac...
Eggplant marinara sauce is a wonderful vegetarian option for Italian night. Learn the recipe of Eggplant Marinara by vahchef.
Eggplant with Marinara Sauce is a very tasty eggplant dish that could be considered an eggplant sandwich, that even non-eggplant eaters seem to enjoy!
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