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Egg malai curry or egg butter masala or Boiled eggs in mildly spiced creamy gravy. Best side dish for naan, jeera pulao or ghee rice.
Eggs are frequently used in Indian Delicacies to produce curries mainly because they're extremely versatile. Boiled eggs certainly are a nutritious approach to eat instead of scrambling them every time to make a bhurji. Egg curry has become a popular at home,
Egg masala or Anda curry, it’s actually a Punjabi form of onion and tomato curry loaded with yummy boiled egg, this curry is on hot and spicy side and you'll... Read More..
About Recipe
Eggs are frequently used in Indian Delicacies to produce curries mainly because they're extremely versatile. Boiled eggs certainly are a nutritious approach to eat instead of scrambling them every time to make a bhurji. Egg curry has become a popular at home,
Egg masala or Anda curry, it’s actually a Punjabi form of onion and tomato curry loaded with yummy boiled egg, this curry is on hot and spicy side and you'll feel wide range of masala so if you avoid eating spicy food, just modify the spices accordingly but do not make a miss for this curry it tastes yummy.
firstly, boil the egg, peel and then fry in medium-hot oil. The smooth whites tone into a lovely golden crust. Only then would be the eggs cut into half and put into a sauce, the light tomato-based gravy that is slightly sizzling. Serve with rice or bread, a crisp salad, or perhaps a condiment.
For additional taste, boil 1 egg extra, break that egg into bite size pieces and blend in the hot sauce, leave remaining eggs full. This can be one of the method to boost the taste of egg curry having whole eggs.
In case you get easily uninterested in eating dal daily, then this curry will come for your rescue provided you eat eggs
The way to boil egg:
Add eggs at normal room temperature into a pan in addition to water sufficient to dip them. Bring them to boil on the medium flame approximately 5-7 minutes. Once the covers seem cracked, turn off the stove. Once the eggs are cool enough to handle peel them.
Nutritional value of Egg:
Egg is actually a rich way to obtain calories and protein. In addition to that, it contains carbohydrate, sodium and fiber. Egg also contain 11 g of fat.