The minced meat of lamb cooked with green peas and potato all together tastes amazing wit...
Moong Dal Vadiyalu are made with soaked and moong dal. It is also called as Moong dal ba...
Pala Boorelu is one of the most traditional must-try recipes which are tasty can be made ...
Shaiya Briyani which is commonly known as batkali briyani in all parts of coastal Karnata...
Sweet kudumulu is a traditional andhra dish which is prepared with rice flour, chana dal ...
Vangyachi Barith is a yummy dish made from roasted eggplant and spices. It is otherwise a...
This is a self experimented dry dish, instant and easy for beginners
Its an instant recipe, very easy for beginners. Can be tried with paneer, babycorn or mushrooms too.
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