Smart and healthy use of leftover sorghum millet breads, made in to tasty umpa, best alte...
It is a spicy yet irresistibly delicious snack prepared by deep-frying Tikka paste coated...
Jhaal muri is a popular street food snack of Kolkata. Jhaal means spices and muri are puf...
Semiya chicken biryani is a different biryani made with semiya easy to cook recipes with...
Adhirasam is a traditional South Indian sweet which is usually made in Diwali times. It's...
Natthala fish Curry tastes amazingly delicious with a perfect blend of spices....
This is a self experimented dry dish, instant and easy for beginners
Its an instant recipe, very easy for beginners. Can be tried with paneer, babycorn or mushrooms too.
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