Benda Batata Masala - ladies finger cooked with aloo is a good combination, goes well wit...
Delicious Broad Bean Sweet Curry tastes so special with an awesome sweet flavor in each b...
Shrimp Mustard sauce or Mustard prawns is a very flavourful dish. Prawns cooked in a spic...
A mushroom (or toadstool) is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typical...
Kadala is a coconut based kala chana (black chickpeas) curry that is rich in protein and ...
Paneer Butter Masala is a delicious dish in which succulent cubes of Indian Cottage Chees...
Bhindi or okra is a delicious main course vegetable dish filled dry fruit and can be served as a side dish or snack
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