Sufyani Murg Dahi Aloo is one of the rich recipes which have mughlai cuisine influence. I...
It’s a breakfast dish, which takes minutes to make and taste delicious too. Children will...
This is a delicious chutney that you can quickly make to add to the main meal course as a...
Aloo posto or potatoes with poppy seeds paste is essential Bengali recipe and no lunch is...
Kathi Roll stand at almost every corner of Delhi. It is also known as Frankie in a lot o...
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This is a popular French recipe. Deviled eggs or devilled eggs or eggs mimosa are hard-boiled eggs, shelled, cut in half, and filled with the hard-boiled egg's yolk mixed with other ingredients such as mayonnaise and mustard, but many other variants exist internationally.
About Recipe
Bint-e Nooh Posted on Sun Jul 12 2015
Looks very yummy.........but isn't that yolk mixture gonna give a foul smell?...Can you please show a vegetarian filling version of this recipe...........?
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