Fish biryani is made of fish of your choice marinated with spices, fresh herbs and cooked...
Mix Vegetable Khichdi is a traditional Indian dish commonly made with rice, lentils and v...
COCONUT RICE, fresh coconut rice, coconut pulihora, kobari annam, coconut tempered rice, ...
Bangala Dhumpa Capsicum Masala Fried Rice is a must try quick and easy to make, spicy and...
Bhatkali biryani is a special biryani savoured in all parts of coastal Karnataka....
This Mughalai vegetable pulav is an adapted pulav in the regions of the deccan area where...
It is a South Indian recipe made with corn and coriander. It is a simple, quick, easy and healthy Lunch box recipe. It is flavourful as fresh coriander leaves are used.
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