Prawn Biryani is a traditional Indian dish prepared by layering spices, shrimp/ prawn, ar...
Zafrani Pulao is a mix of rich ingredients - Basmati rice cooked in a sweet and rich blen...
The combination of this two main ingrediants celery and basmati rice will gives an attrac...
Chicken Badham Korma Biryani is delicious biryani recipe with a perfect blend of spices a...
A perfect one pot yogurt flavored South Indian rice dish tempered with spices. This recip...
Broad beans pulav makes it bursting with nutrition and taste. Broad beans are good source...
It is a South Indian recipe made with coriander leaves. It is a simple, quick, easy and healthy Lunch box recipe. It is flavourful as fresh coriander leaves are used.
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