Amti is a typical Maharashtrian spicy dal which is slightly hot, spicy and tangy to taste...
Pesara aloo bonda is one of the popular snack in South Indian served in the evening time....
Pumpkin and moong dal fry is a delicious and tasty curry and can be served with rice or c...
Sambar with Field Green Beans combined with spices to make it very delicious and flavorfu...
Red gram pulao is a fragrant and spicy rice dish with the sweetness of cinnamon and zing...
Oil Free Bottle Gourd Lentils Powder Curry is a recipe which is common at many north Indi...
How to makeChurma?How to cookChurma?Learn the recipeChurmaby vahchef.For all recipes visit
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Thu Oct 28 2010
superb recipe
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