Bendakaya pulusu recipe An Andhra style ladies finger - okra pulusu ( cooked in tamarind ...
Red lamb curry is an exotic dish tender mutton pieces cooked in a spicy yogurt based grav...
This is a very traditional and authentic South Indian (Tamil) dish this can made with var...
Spinach cooked with Indian cheese. Palak Paneer is a popular vegetarian delicacy made of ...
Murgh Musallam is a popular non-vegetarian recipe and combination of lamb mince, eggs and...
Coriander chicken is prepared with chicken pieces delicately cooked combined with the fre...
Chole Bhature is also know as chola poori, is a very popular Punjabi dish which is usually served as breakfast. This excellent dish delights you the most.
Chole Bhature, is a combination of chana masala and fried bread called bhatoora from India. This chole is a spicy curry made from white chickpeas where as Bhatura is a fried leavened bread.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Fri Feb 25 2011
how to prepare chola bhatura video
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