Chicken baida roti is an awesome and delicious combo of flavorful chicken, eggs in crispy...
Coriander chicken is prepared with chicken pieces delicately cooked combined with the fre...
How to makeHow to undress a Chicken?How to cookHow to undress a Chicken?Learn the recipe...
Konkani Chicken is a special spicy chicken dish, chicken cooked in a spicy gravy of Konka...
The sandwich is a quick snack made of boiled chicken pieces mixed with yummy mayonnaise s...
Chicken Varattiyathu or roast is one of the most commonly made dishes in Keralite homes. ...
You'll find all the sweet flavor and creamy texture of a chicken pot pie. Learn the recipe of Chicken pot rie sandwich by vahchef.
Chicken Pot Pie sandwich is a unique and tasty dish. It can be made at home simply in sandwich toaster. Must try it for once atleast.
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