Horlicks Oats Masala Biscuits are a fusion of health and taste with a spicy twist....
This delicious Indian burfi is made with added goodness of Horlicks oats. It’s a very sim...
Horlicks Oats Tempering Idli is soothing breakfast which is light and healthy to start yo...
Horlicks Oats Vegetarian Cake is a prefect cake recipe which can make your special occasi...
Horlicks Oats Kozhukattai can be a quick and delicious recipe that can be made in a jiff...
Horlicks Oats travel cake is soft sponge cake, made by using simple ingredients and can b...
This delicious Indian burfi is made with added goodness of Horlicks oats. It’s a very simple desert recipe which takes not more than 4 to 5 simple steps and less than 30 minutes. So, you can easily prepare it when ever your palate desires an Indian sweet / dessert.
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