Palak dal or palakura Pappu is an Andhra spinach and dal curry made using fresh palak and...
Sweet potato halwa or shakarkandi halwa is an easy and quick dessert you can make for any...
Dum aloo Kashmiri is an extremely delicious main course dish which is actually potatoes c...
Lotus seed pops and whole cashew nuts combine in a silky saag made of spinach and other g...
Beet and barley broth with chicken is a fantastic and nutritious soup to enjoy in any sea...
This is a leafy chutney, It is sour and tasty chutney and can be served with rice. Can pr...
How to makeBesan Ladoo (Churma)?How to cookBesan Ladoo (Churma)?Learn the recipeBesan Ladoo (Churma)by vahchef.For all recipes visit
About Recipe
Senaga Pindi Chenaga Pindi Churma methai, Kadalamaavu Churma inippu, Baeshun Churma Misti |