Traditionally shami kebabs are made using spices minced meat and chickpeas and are cooked...
Feet of lamb cooked into curry. Paya Attu kalu curry is an authentic dish where legs of l...
Crispy mutton is a delicious Indian recipe served as a starter for non-veg and fried food...
Keema/ Kheema/ Qeema Paratha is a popular unleavened flatbread stuffed with spiced minced...
Surprise the spice lover in you with this awesomely delicious Red Chili Mutton Pulav reci...
Meatballs are made with ground lamb, onions, egg, and bread crumbs, browned in a skillet,...
Banjari Gosht is a delious Rajasthan dish, It is prepared from mutton and yogurt, spices, the spices are not ground into a smooth powder but pounded coarsely using a pestle.
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