Tofu bhurji or indian style scrambled tofu is what i make for a quick brunch or as a side...
Tomato cut salan contains a mouth-watering flavor accompanied with a nice texture....
Bottle gourd cooked with sesame seeds and coconut powder rich in Iron....
A dessert extravaganza, Gil-e-firdaus is truly an amazing sweet dish with white pumpkins ...
Seekh kabab or kebab are made of any type of minced meat with spices and grilled on skewe...
Quials birds fry is a delicious recipe smeared with spices and deep fried. It can be eve...
Here’s another super simple, extremely delicious lunch or dinner recipe. Learn the recipe of Bacon Cheese Dogs by vahchef.
My family has been eating hot dogs this way for years. They are so much better than your average hot dog!
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