Chana and cabbage dal is a delicious Maharashtrian dish served with rice and roti....
Soya sauce chicken is a northern Chinese dish. It is made of chicken that is cooked with ...
Methi Chaman is a paneer ( Indian cottage cheese) dish with fenugreek leaves and spinach ...
Vendakai pachadi is prepared by frying the lady's finger till crisp. Served as a side dis...
Fenugreek Capsicum Chicken Curry is a simple, delicious chicken curry featuring fresh fe...
This is a classical combination with an aloo and cauliflower which is served in a green g...
Assam Laksa Stock is a delicious dish made with noodles in tangy fish gravy. Learn the recipe of Assam Laksa Stock by vahchef.
This dish is a spicy sweet and sour delicacy popular throughout the world apart from Assam. Assam Laksa is also popularly known as Penang Laksa. Assam Laksa Stock is a rich spicy broth made with a stock of flaked Ikan kembong and Daun kesom (polygonum) and the seasoning is done with galangal, lemon grass, turmeric, dried chilies and most importantly the wild ginger flowers that gives a distinctive rich aroma to the dish and taste delicious.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Sun Jan 31 2010
What is this recipe doing under Mughalai cuisine? This is a malaysian dish!!
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