A perfect paratha with egg and kheema-mince meat. A stretchy dough is made with maida whi...
Aatukal curry is made of lamb or goat's leg often referred to people having a cold or flu...
Lamb Vindaloo traditionally is a spicy hot dish made with coconut.This flavorful dish has...
Beans Keema is very popular in South India, it is prepared regularly in Hyderabad, Clust...
Mutton Sambhar is one of the authentic and traditional recipe of tamilians. This sambhar ...
Hariyali Gosht is a traditional mutton delicacy from the exquisite kitchen of Mughals, fa...
Kolhapuri Mutton curry made with authentic Kanda lasoon masala. This curry is sumptuous,its fiery and delicious, the meat tender and succulent..and its equally good with rotis or rice.
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