Red Velvet Cupcakes are so striking with their brilliantly red color, Fluffy, moist, but...
Jarda Pulao is a perfect recipe for festival season. ...
Carrot and coconut burelu is one of the most popular sweets prepared in the homes during ...
Fruitcake is a cake made with chopped dried fruit, nuts, and spices. It is a heavy, dense...
A traditional sweet made with bottle gourd is prepared on festivals or eaten as a fruit d...
Traditional village kind of sweet dish made with the combination of banana and millets. T...
Junnu is well known favorite Andhra sweet which is prepared from the first day milk of cattle usually the cow or buffalo and one can’t stop their hands from helping a second serve of junnu (milk pudding) as it’s very difficult to get the sweet. It has a very unique and heavenly taste and is traditionally made from Junnu pallu (lactating milk).
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