Mango Shrikhand is a very popular Indian dessert made from strained yogurt. It is one of ...
Coconut Burfi is a classic and traditional recipe of an Indian sweet that is prepared dur...
Horlicks Oats Banana Cake is a delicious cake recipe to relish any time by all age groups...
Everyone knows that cakes are only sweet but this is slightly made different flavors by a...
Besan barfi or Besan ki barfi is a barfi sweet from Northern India and Pakistan. It is p...
Doodhi halwa or lauki ka halwa is a dessert. A very nutritious dish as it contains lauki...
A mousse is a prepared food that incorporates air bubbles to give it a light and airy texture. Learn the recipe of Chocolate Mousse by vahchef.
The middle of the week is a very good time to try out this tasty treat. It's the perfect pick-me-up, especially if you're into chocolate, and let's face it, who isn't?
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