Kara Poli is a perfect power packed delicacy with the added goodness of veggies and no co...
This chicken curry flavored with garlic and lemon is a blend of flavors one can serve wit...
This healthy rasam made with snake gourd and roasted chana dal powder is must try recipe....
Plum stuffed Chicken koftas are rich delicious dish where plum is stuffed into a mix of m...
The kebab is created with a mixture made from boiled potatoes, spices and greens like spi...
Sev is a delicious fried vermicelli snack that is made from besan/ gram flour. The sev i...
This salad is an extraordinary combination of ingredients. Learn the recipe of Baby lettuce salad by vahchef.
A refreshing salad with an assortment of salad leaves and a light dressing.
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