Appalu are usually about palm sized, thick discs and so don't press. Though traditionally...
Vegetarian or not, you will love these cheesy sweet corn and egg veggie burger recipes. I...
This capsicum tomato cheese sandwich is delicious as a quick snack or midnight feast. and...
Mirchi bajji is a very popular street snack in India. Hot and spicy Mirchi bajji, you ca...
This is kid’s special recipe, egg paratha is actually very different from any other regul...
Kheema Pav, a popular street food spicy mince mutton dish served with bread. If you are l...
Hi i dont exact name but it called as CHEESE.. In Telugu it called as Zunnu.
Actualy this do by ZUNNUPALU.but without having ZUNNUPALu we can able to do ZUNNU with normal MILK and Egg
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