An easy and healthy Andhra chutney recipe prepared with roasted moong dal and raw mango. ...
Onion Tomato peanut Chutney is easy delicious chutney for idli, dosa or South Indian tiff...
Sweet chili garlic sauce is an integral part of every diet. but we are not going to cook ...
Red chili and tomato pickle is easy, spicy and tangy recipe famous in Telangana state. ...
This is an easy, healthy broken wheat upma to incorporate in your regular diet, this is c...
Garlic pickle has a very nice hot and sweet flavor. ...
Delicious, and after keeping for several days the flavours intensified. Learn the recipe of Zucchini Antipasto by vahchef.
This is the easiest and most delicious way to eat zucchinis. Onion, olive oil and garlic brings out the very best of this veggie. This antipasti/antipasto recipe is perfect for a simple snack and as a base of so many tasty food!
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