Soya brinjal is very tasty and yummy is a Chinese dish. This is often served to complemen...
A delicious, yummy and mouth-watering soft Fruit cake dunked with luscious candied fruits...
Onion Pakoda is a deep fried batter snack made of gram flour (besan), other spices and on...
Here is a very tasty plus easy to cook brain masala pulav recipe. Pulav is actually a com...
Pachadis or chutney gives a euphoric feeling to many mainly for their spicy and tangy fla...
Egg roast is a dish native to Kerala, India, consisting of eggs roasted in a masala gravy...
A tasty cheese bread recipe to make pide filled with creamy cheese and spinach, a traditional Turkish dough similar to pita to serve as an appetizer.
About Recipe
Bachchali koora, Pasalai keerai, Palang sag |
LifeExamined108 Posted on Fri Oct 23 2015
Thank you so much for your fantastic vegetarian recipes. We learned sooooo much from you and your good husband. God bless you. :)?
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Nadia Rizwan Posted on Mon Sep 14 2015
you are awsome....super awsome.i got so many ideas for my daughter's lunch box..?
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