Konkani Chicken is a special spicy chicken dish, chicken cooked in a spicy gravy of Konka...
Quinoa upma is very delicious, flavorful and packed with protein and nutrients. It is a ...
Butter balls, a crispy snack recipe to have with your family....
Its very popular drink had mostly during ramzan season and summers. ...
Crispy fried rice balls filled with potato masala mixture which we make for our samosas a...
Bendakaya Pachadi is a very tasty and delicious variant in South Indian chutney delicacie...
A Sandwich loaf three-layered a loaf of bread, sliced horizontally, filled with three stacks each containing four slices and three filling layers.
This sandwich will be the talk of the party. Lots can be said about the delicious egg, corn and cheese fillings!!
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