Egg roast is a dish native to Kerala, India, consisting of eggs roasted in a masala gravy...
This kerala egg curry is a delicately flavored egg curry made out of onions and roasted p...
This is a two vegetables mixed curry and both vegetables are good for health. Drumstick h...
This nutritious and healthy breakfast is a must try recipe and will be a big hit with all...
This light, fluffy strawberry souffle is baked with just a few ingredients and fresh stra...
This is kids special recipe. Coconut milk is used in this recipe that produces lauric aci...
These crunchy rounds are very easy to make with minimal ingredients. Learn the recipe of Thekua by vahchef.
Thekua or Khajuria or Thikari is a dry sweet, very popular in Bihar, Jharkhand and eastern Uttar Pradesh. Thekua is a revered prasad in the Chhath puja. It has been used as a sweet snack for centuries in these places.
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