The Mezze platter (sometimes spelled meze) is one of the more malleable snack trays, vary...
Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting fresh cheese with a high fat content. It is easy to ...
Suji vada is a tasty and tempting breakfast or evening snack recipe for which the batter ...
This is a very quick recipe for your breakfast making a pancake and pouring mango have pu...
Egg Uthapam Fry with a twist of Gunpowder taste makes this delicacy even more special....
Bhel Puri is one of the popular chaat in India and it is a delicious mixture....
Sweet Corn Paneer Balls is a must try snack recipe which tastes delicious and will be a big hit with all age groups. This snack is crunchy from outside and soft from inside
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