Cabbage pathrode is sweet, tangy, fiery chili spicy all at the same time along with coria...
Delicious Stuffed Bell Pepper Salan is a perfect side dish to have biryani, pulov or any ...
A simple yet delicious kadi made with pineapple pieces cooked in coconut milk and spices....
Potato is one of the most popular vegetable and a favourite dish to poori in south India ...
Chicken karahi, also known as gosht karahi and kadai chicken is a Pakistani dish noted fo...
A much cherished and relished vegetable in our home is bitter gourd. Since the sliced bit...
This recipe for Italian stuffed squid relies upon the seafood. Learn the recipe of Stuffed Squid by vahchef.
Cleaning and preparing the fresh squid takes time but the result is a world away from thick tough ready-to-use frozen squid tubes. Teamed with a tomato sauce spiked with anchovies this dish is a winner.
About Recipe
vahuser Posted on Tue May 24 2011
Chicken breasts for stuffed squids?
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