Eggplant and sesame seeds is a wonderful dish made with small eggplant, stir-fried with d...
Saag or sag is a leaf-based (spinach, mustard leaf, etc.) dish eaten in South Asia with b...
Paneer Kali Mirch is a deliciously spicy recipe which will be a definite hit with spice l...
The lauki curry along with ridge gourd is made with yogurt based stews or curries. ...
Poppy seeds and coconut paste used in many vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes....
This classic Soya Sauce Chicken fry with field beans is a delicious meal the whole family...
Combining mixed vegetables is always a healthy way to have a meal. This recipe prepared with sorrel leaves, baby corn cooked in silky peanut based gravy is an excellent variation to try.
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