Eggplant and sesame seeds is a wonderful dish made with small eggplant, stir-fried with d...
Eggs in Spicy Chettinad Masala is an exotic dish made with some freshly roasted aromatic ...
Stir fry okra with garlic is an easy recipe. Tastes simply good for garlic lovers. ...
Jain gravy is a dish made without onions, ginger or garlic but is a simple and creamy dis...
It is a great dish in summer barbeque parties and dinner parties usually served as a snac...
This classical Portugal influenced goanese dish has a concoction of chicken, garlic, red ...
Combining mixed vegetables is always a healthy way to have a meal. This recipe prepared with sorrel leaves, baby corn cooked in silky peanut based gravy is an excellent variation to try.
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